Wednesday, April 12, 2017

3 cool things to do this weekend in Tijuana | 3 cosas para hacer este fin de semana en Tijuana


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Located across the San Ysidro border just minutes from San Diego, Tijuana is home to world renowned restaurants, exciting cultural exhibits, shopping, nightlife and more.

If you like all of these things, then you are in the right place.

We will offer you a few options to have fun this weekend in Tijuana.


Here is 3 things to do this weekend in Tijuana



Sábado 15 – Saturday 15h, April



Love & Peace – Comida y Arte


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Hosted by Fiesta Emprendedores

Every year across Mexico are a number of vegan-friendly events, like Vegan Fests in Tijuana

Peace & Love: Food and Art is an annual event that takes place in Downtown Tijuana.

We welcome attendees to a magnificent day filled with food, fun, and inspiration. The combination of a delicious vegan cooking demo, great live music, empowering speakers,, an eco-marketplace and more, make for an an unforgettable earth-friendly experience that is sure to be enjoyable for all



Evento Organizado por Fiesta Emprendedoresbuscando ofrecer un evento que sirva como medio de difusión, exposición de artistas locales.

Lo que podemos encontrar en este evento: bebidas y alimentos veganos, buen ambiente, música en vivo, productos frescos, productos locales, expositores mostrando su arte, conciencia ambiental, arte en toda dimensión obteniendo una experiencia amigable y disfrutable.
 Pasaje Gomez
Avenida Revolución y Madero entre calle tercera y cuarta zona centro., 22046 Tijuana, Baja California

Festival del Taco y la Salsa no.6


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Taco lovers rejoice! Tijuana is getting a food festival that is entirely dedicated to everyone’s favourite Mexican street food.

As part of the taco festival there will also be margaritas, hot sauce tastings, seafood, Mexican street corn, churros and live music.

The festival will take place on Saturday, April 15th at The Tijuana Cultural Center (CECUT)



Para todos los amantes de los tacos, les traemos una buena noticia, este festival esta dedicado a ustedes.

Y como parte del festival será una buena oportunidad para pasar un sábado agradable degustando bebidas, salsas, mariscos, postres mexicanos y música en vivo.

Checa la nota completa que escribimos en la semana para conocer más sobre este evento ———> Click aqui para ir a la nota





Domingo 16 – Sunday 16th, April



La Escalera Fest 6

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Hosted by La Escalera Records
Cúrate la cruda de la noche anterior con unos tacos y unos buenos drinks mientras escuchas el repertorio de 10 bandas locales y del “otro lado”.
Si te gusta la música alternativa este es tu espacio.

Bringing you 10 bands from the U.S. and Tijuana.
Final show of the festival, cure your hangover with some tacos and blue drinks in Tijuana, Mexico. Bring your passports.


Media Vida 4:30 – 5:00
★22 MISSILES★ 5:15 -5:45
Despero 6:00 – 6:30
No Talent 6:45 – 7:15
Burn Burn Burn 7:30 – 8:00
Problem Daughter 8:15 – 8:45
Western Settings 9:00 – 9:30
Caskitt 9:45 – 10:15
Civil War Rust 10:30 – 11:00
DFMK 11:15 – 12:00

Venue : Mous Tache Bar
Gratis / Free





The post 3 cool things to do this weekend in Tijuana | 3 cosas para hacer este fin de semana en Tijuana appeared first on Reseña y Reviews de Restaurantes Locales.


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